Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Break-Up

I was able to get a good copy of the anticipated butt-exposure movie of Jennifer Aniston after her break-up with her real life beau Brad Pitt. The Break-Up did not have the usual feel good feeling brought about by any other romantic movie. It was more of coming to terms with the realities of every relationship. You have the typical woman who feels unappreciated all the time, and the man who just couldn’t get it.

The movie struck some chord in me when it came to the confrontation scenes between the couple. At some point in my relationship, I have shared Brooke’s feelings of resentment and of frustration; of feeling that I have given so much and getting so little affirmation in return.

I feel disappointment after a hard day’s work, cleaning the house, cooking a good meal, you end up with a partner who would rather hog the television or the computer rather than spend quality time with you. I feel frustration every time I find myself picking up soiled clothes on the floor, used tissue papers on the dresser, toys in bed. But unlike Brooke, I keep everything to myself, continuously hoping that my partner would finally understand what I am going through. Unlike Brooke, I just keep quiet feeling all so bottled up inside.

Perhaps, the striking semblance of the movie’s plot with my personal experience makes me appreciate it. I bet, I’m not alone.



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